CDBMS (Customer Database Management System)
Admin features
Dynamic form
Executive features
Marketer feature
Staff features
1. Admin Login
2. Manage users (Add / Edit / Delete)
3. Assign privilege/rights to users with validity
4. Import / Export the customer data as CSV format.
5. Add/Edit/Delete/View all Customers, Marketer and Technician records
1. Create different type of form fields (text box, paragraph box, password field, phone number, email, dropdown, radio box, check box, date field ) for each customer groups
2. Filter option based on the selected fields
3. Validation options (Client and server side validation)
1. Executive login
2. Insert prospects customers data
3. View only their customers data
1. Marketer login
2. Feed their daily records

1. Staff Login
2. OTP for staff login
3. Insert customers data as per privilege
4. Convert prospects customer to main customer
5. Search customer data based on filter field (name/mobile/company or location)
6. View customer data as per privilege
7. Edit customer data as per privilege
8. Delete customer data as per privilege
9. Send group email/sms to customers